Thursday, March 26, 2015

At a Restaurant

Ordering Food at a Restaurant

Sometimes it is fun to go out to eat at a restaurant. There are many different types of restaurants in the United States. People like to try different types of food when they go to a restaurant. At a restaurant there are waiters or waitresses that will take your order. First, you should look at the menu and decide what you want to eat. The waiter or waitress will ask you what you would like to eat. You can answer by saying "I would like" or "I will have".  Sometimes you will want to order an appetizer or starter meal. Then you will order a main course or entree.  If you like sweet foods you might want to order some dessert! Don't forget to ask for a bill/check after you are done eating!

Answer the questions below in the comments button:

1. What is a tip?

2. What phrases or words should you use to order a meal? 

3. How do you tell the waiter or waitress you don't want something in the meal?

4. Have you ever tried food a the restaurant that you didn't like? What did you do?

If you are done go to this website and look at a sample conversation for ordering food.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Living a healthy Lifestyle

Many people are working to live a healthier lifestyle. They do this by trying to eat fresh foods, like fruits and vegetables.  Some people also eat organic foods. There are others who exercise regularly. Many people find that exercising can be relaxing and gives you more energy. It is hard work and expensive to live a healthy lifestyle. Organic foods are often more expensive than regular produce foods. Maybe that is why they say that you can't have your cake and eat it too! 

Click the Comment button to answer the questions below.

What do you do to stay healthy?

What produce do you enjoy eating?

What things do you like to eat?

What do you think is nutrition?

Idiom: You can't have your cake and eat it too. What do you think this means?

Click on the link to find out!

Ordering Food at a restaurant